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Golden Desert

TTRPG Adventure Guide

“Beneath the scorching sun, hidden temples and ancient cities whisper tales of forgotten gods and buried treasure, beckoning adventurers to uncover their long-lost secrets. But beware, for the desert does not easily yield its treasures, and danger lurks beneath every grain of sand."

This Adventure Guide can help you to build and improvise adventures set in the desert. It can spark ideas for things to do, quests to solve, NPCs to meet, threats and challenges to encounter, even deities to worship and more. Even works perfectly to improvise a spontaneous one-shot session.

It can be used for every TTRPG (Fantasy) system but was specifically developed for Fast Travel.

To use, all you need is a d6 or a deck of cards from 1-6. Choose a table or more you want to be inspired by and draw a card or roll the dice and decide on the best fitting column. Feel free to edit, mix or add content to your liking or ask your players for input to include them in the creation of the adventure.


  • Golden Desert - Adventure Guide

All pages written for Fast Travel and its Guides are designed to be printed and folded like it is shown in the banner up top. This way it takes less space and is easier to carry around.

If you are interested in more guides and content, check out my profile.


You love my work and want to support me?

My games are and will continue to be free for everyone to be enjoyed. However, free doesn't pay for my meals, so I really appreciate your support. Every tiny bit helps me focus more on Green Wolf Games so I can create more and better content in the future.

I benefited the most from donations made through Ko-fi.

But even without money, you can support me by sharing my work with your friends and foes or by leaving nice comments and constructive feedback. Simply being kind to your fellow humans, animals, and the environment is already more than enough.

All Content is made by Green Wolf Games © Wolfgang Lambotte, 2024


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FastTravel GoldenDesert v40524.pdf 335 kB

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